Questions and Answers

There is currently no assesment for Johnson Water Improvement District. There are no plans to implement the property tax assessment.
Most of the water for Johnson Water Improvement District comes from the Duchesne Valley Water Treatment Plant.
Water to service the Upalco and Ledge Lane areas currently is purchased from the Upper Country Water Improvement District.
Water to service the Independence area is purchased from the Ute Tribe water system.
The last rate change was in July of 2021. JWID works hard to keep rates low and still maintain a robust and redundant system so that any disruptions of service are only in small areas and for short periods of time.
Costs of raw water and the cost to treat that water continue to rise and JWID is always looking to mitigate those cost increases.
For years most of the water in JWID came from wells in the Ledge Lane area of Ioka. That water tasted very bad but many people in the system grew up on that water. Those wells are now disconnected from the system and JWID sells that well water to industry for oil production needs. Those sales help offset higher costs that would normally be passed on to the customers.
Johnson Water Improvement District (JWID) is a government entity subject to regulation by the State of Utah but is governed by a five member board made up of customers of JWID. The customers of JWID have control and a vested interest in the management of JWID. Customers are encouraged to attend board meetings and to run for office to be on the board of JWID. If you have ideas to improve JWID or if you see problems that need correction contact the JWID office or attend a monthly board meeting.
Even though your meter is the property of JWID it is the responsibility of the customer to maintain and protect the meter from damage and obstruction.
The meter box contains the meter, the radio, the antenna, the insulation pillow, the check valve, and the shut off valve. The entire contents of the meter box should not be accessed by the customer. The contents are very expensive and are easily damaged. If the meter box or its contents are damaged by unauthorized access the customer will be charged a tampering fee, and the costs to repair the meter.
Rules to protect your meter
- Know where your meter is located
- Keep the area around your meter clear of fences, buildings and anything that will prevent maintenance or repair of your meter
- Do not drive on or near your meter.
- In the winter do not remove snow from the meter or above the lateral that leads to your home or other service area. The snow acts as insulation to keep your waterline from freezing.
- Driving over your meter or near your meter or over your service line in winter will drive the frost into the ground and freeze your meter or your waterline.
- Before any digging, grading, or plowing, avoid damage by calling Bluestakes of Utah 811 and have your utilities marked.
Each meter is read either on the last day of the month or the first day of the month unless it falls on a weekend or holiday or there are operational problems in the system which make a meter reader unavailable.
Meters are read using a radio signal from your meter to the reciever in the pickup truck which records the reading which is transfered to your account information in our office.
Please keep your meter lids clear of debris or objects that will interfere with our radio transmission.
If you believe your meter is inaccurate or you have a problem with your bill call our office at 435-722-2620
District Map
Johnson Water services a portion of Roosevelt City and much of the area outside of Roosevelt, including delivering water to the Myton City water system, the area surrounding Myton, Pleasant Valley, Ioka, Upalco, Pheasant Meadows, Independence and the North Myton Bench